Allocations followed by a hot loop

A common pattern in high-performance Julia code, as well as in real-time systems, is to initially allocate some working memory, followed by the execution of a performance sensitive hot loop that should perform no allocations. In the example below, we show a function run_almost_forever that resembles the implementation of a simple control system. The function starts by allocating a large logvector in which some measurement data is to be saved, followed by the execution of a loop which should run with as predictable timing as possible, i.e., we do not want to perform any allocations or invoke the garbage collector while executing the loop.

function run_almost_forever()
    N = 100_000 # A large number
    logvector = zeros(N) # Allocate a large vector for storing results
    for i = 1:N # Run a hot loop that may not allocate
        y = sample_measurement()
        logvector[i] = y
        u = controller(y)

# Silly implementations of the functions used in the example
sample_measurement() = 2.0
controller(y) = -2y
apply_control(u) = nothing

Here, the primary concern is the loop, while the preamble of the function should be allowed to allocate memory. The recommended strategy in this case is to refactor the function into a separate preamble and loop, like this

function run_almost_forever2() # The preamble that performs allocations
    N = 100_000 # A large number
    logvector = zeros(N) # Allocate a large vector for storing results

function run_almost_forever!(logvector) # The hot loop that is allocation free
    for i = eachindex(logvector) # Run a hot loop that may not allocate
        y = sample_measurement()
        @inbounds logvector[i] = y
        u = controller(y)

We may now analyze the loop function run_almost_forever! to verify that it does not allocate memory:

using AllocCheck, Test
allocs = check_allocs(run_almost_forever!, (Vector{Float64},));
@test isempty(allocs)
Test Passed

More complicated initialization

In practice, a function may need to perform several distinct allocations upfront, including potentially allocating objects of potentially complicated types, like closures etc. In situations like this, the following pattern may be useful:

struct Workspace
    # All you need to run the hot loop, for example:

function setup(max_iterations::Int = 100_000)
    # Allocate and initialize the workspace
    cache1 = zeros(max_iterations)
    cache2 = zeros(max_iterations, max_iterations)
    return Workspace(cache1, cache2)

function run!(workspace::Workspace)
    # The hot loop
    for i = eachindex(workspace.cache1)
        workspace.cache1[i] = my_important_calculation() # The allocated cache is modified in place

function run()
    workspace = setup()

Here, workspace is a custom struct designed to serve as a workspace for the hot loop, but it could also be realized as a simple tuple of all the allocated objects required for the computations. Note, the struct Workspace in this example was not marked as mutable. However, its contents, the two cache arrays, are. This means that the run! function may modify the contents of the cache arrays.

The benefit of breaking the function up into two parts which are called from a third, is that we may now create the workspace object individually, and use it to compute the type of the arguments to the run! function that we are interested in analyzing:

workspace = setup()
allocs = check_allocs(run!, (typeof(workspace),))