
If you are a JuliaLang committer, and you want to run the BumpStdlibs action now, here are the steps:

  1. Go to this URL.[1]
  2. In the section that says "This workflow has a workflow_dispatch event trigger", click on the Run workflow button.
  3. Under "Use workflow from", make sure that you have selected the master branch
  4. Under "Target branch", enter master if you want to target the Julia master branch, or enter e.g. backports-release-1.9 if you want to apply these changes to the Julia 1.9 release branch.
  5. Under "Comma-separated list of stdlibs to include":
    • If you want to update all stdlibs, you can leave the default value of all
    • If you only want to update a selected set of stdlibs, enter the list, comma-separated. For example:
      • Pkg
      • Downloads,Statistics,Tar
  6. Click on the green Run workflow button.