
Everything documented in this page is internal and subject to breaking changes, even in minor version updates of Julia or StyledStrings.jl. If you are curious about the internals, read on, but if you want to depend on them, please consider opening a pull request or issue to discuss making them part of the public API.


A mapping between ANSI named colours and indices in the standard 256-color table. The standard colors are 0-7, and high intensity colors 8-15.

The high intensity colors are prefixed by "bright". The "brightblack" color is given two aliases: "grey" and "gray".


Globally named Faces.

default gives the initial values of the faces, and current holds the active (potentially modified) set of faces. This two-set system allows for any modifications to the active faces to be undone.

legacy_color(color::Union{String, Symbol, Int})

Attempt to obtain a SimpleColor for a "legacy" color value color.

When this is not possible, nothing is returned.

ansi_4bit_color_code(color::Symbol, background::Bool=false)

Provide the color code (30-37, 40-47, 90-97, 100-107) for color, as a string. When background is set the background variant will be provided, otherwise the provided code is for setting the foreground color.


Identify the contiguous substrings of s with a constant annotations, and return an iterator which provides each substring and the applicable annotations as a Tuple{SubString{S}, Vector{Pair{Symbol, Any}}}.


julia> collect(StyledStrings.eachregion(Base.AnnotatedString(
           "hey there", [(1:3, :face => :bold), (5:9, :face => :italic)])))
3-element Vector{Tuple{SubString{String}, Vector{Pair{Symbol, Any}}}}:
 ("hey", [:face => :bold])
 (" ", [])
 ("there", [:face => :italic])
face!(str::Union{<:AnnotatedString, <:SubString{<:AnnotatedString}},
      [range::UnitRange{Int},] face::Union{Symbol, Face})

Apply face to str, along range if specified or the whole of str.


Obtain the final merged face from faces, an iterator of Faces, face name Symbols, and lists thereof.

getface(annotations::Vector{Pair{Symbol, Any}})

Combine all of the :face annotations with getfaces.


Obtain the default face.

getface(s::AnnotatedString, i::Integer)

Get the merged Face that applies to s at index i.


Get the merged Face that applies to c.

loadface!(name::Symbol => update::Face)

Merge the face name in FACES.current with update. If the face name does not already exist in FACES.current, then it is set to update. To reset a face, update can be set to nothing.


julia> loadface!(:red => Face(foreground=0xff0000))
Face (sample)
    foreground: #ff0000
loaduserfaces!(faces::Dict{String, Any})

For each face specified in Dict, load it to FACES.current.


Load all faces declared in the Faces.toml file tomlfile.


Reset the current global face dictionary to the default value.


Reset the face name to its default value, which is returned.

If the face name does not exist, nothing is done and nothing returned. In the unlikely event that the face name does not have a default value, it is deleted, a warning message is printed, and nothing returned.

termcolor(io::IO, color::SimpleColor, category::Char)

Print to io the SGR code to set the category's slot to color, where category is set as follows:

  • '3' sets the foreground color
  • '4' sets the background color
  • '5' sets the underline color

If color is a SimpleColor{Symbol}, the value should be a a member of ANSI_4BIT_COLORS. Any other value will cause the color to be reset.

If color is a SimpleColor{RGBTuple} and get_have_truecolor() returns true, 24-bit color is used. Otherwise, an 8-bit approximation of color is used.

termcolor(io::IO, ::Nothing, category::Char)

Print to io the SGR code to reset the color for category.

termcolor24bit(io::IO, color::RGBTuple, category::Char)

Print to io the 24-bit SGR color code to set the category8 slot to color.

termcolor8bit(io::IO, color::RGBTuple, category::Char)

Print to io the best 8-bit SGR color code that sets the category color to be close to color.


Styled Markup parsing

While some of the internals above are useful outside StyledStrings, and unlikely to be broken (but with no guarantees!), apart from the exported string macro and styled function, the details of StyledMarkup documented below consists entirely of implementation details that should under no circumstances be referenced outside of StyledStrings .

If you're curious about how exactly styled markup strings are parsed, they should provide some insight though.


A sub-module of StyledStrings that specifically deals with parsing styled markup strings. To this end, two entrypoints are provided:

  • The styled"" string macro, which is generally preferred.
  • They styled function, which allows for use with runtime-provided strings, when needed.

Overall, this module essentially functions as a state machine with a few extra niceties (like detailed error reporting) sprinkled on top. The overall design can be largely summed up with the following diagram:

│ Styled markup │
 │              ╭─────┼─╼ escaped!
 │ Apply rules: │     │
 │  "\\" ▶──────╯ ╭───┼─╼[interpolated!] ──▶ readexpr!, addpart!
 │  "$" ▶────────╯   │
 │  "{"  ▶────────────┼─╼ begin_style! ──▶ read_annotation!
 │  "}"  ▶─────╮      │                     ├─╼ read_inlineface! [readexpr!]
 │             ╰──────┼─╼ end_style!        ╰─╼ read_face_or_keyval!
 │ addpart!(...)      │

Of course, as usual, the devil is in the details.


A struct representing of the parser state (if you squint, a state monad even).

To create the initial state, use the constructor: State(content::AbstractString, mod::Union{Module, Nothing}=nothing) -> State

Its fields are as follows:

  • content::String, the (unescaped) input string
  • bytes::Vector{UInt8}, the codeunits of content. This is a Vector{UInt8} instead of a CodeUnits{UInt8} because we need to be able to modify the array, for instance when erasing escape characters.
  • s::Iterators.Stateful, an (index, char) iterator of content
  • mod::Union{Module, Nothing}, the (optional) context with which to evaluate inline expressions in. This should be provided iff the styled markup comes from a macro invocation.
  • parts::Vector{Any}, the result of the parsing, a list of elements that when passed to annotatedstring produce the styled markup string. The types of its values are highly diverse, hence the Any element type.
  • active_styles::Vector{Vector{Tuple{Int, Int, Union{Symbol, Expr, Pair{Symbol, Any}}}}}}, A list of batches of styles that have yet to be applied to any content. Entries of a batch consist of (source_position, start_position, style) tuples, where style may be just a symbol (referring to a face), a Pair{Symbol, Any} annotation, or an Expr that evaluates to a valid annotation (when mod is set).
  • pending_styles::Vector{Tuple{UnitRange{Int}, Union{Symbol, Expr, Pair{Symbol, Any}}}}, A list of styles that have been terminated, and so are known to occur over a certain range, but have yet to be applied.
  • offset::Ref{Int}, a record of the between the content index and the index in the resulting styled string, as markup structures are absorbed.
  • point::Ref{Int}, the current index in content.
  • escape::Ref{Bool}, whether the last character seen was an escape character.
  • interpolated::Ref{Bool}, whether any interpolated values have been seen. Knowing whether or not anything needs to be evaluated allows the resulting string to be computed at macroexpansion time, when possible.
  • errors::Vector, any errors raised during parsing. We collect them instead of immediately throwing so that we can list as many issues as possible at once, instead of forcing the author of the invalid styled markup to resolve each issue one at a time. This is expected to be populated by invocations of styerr!.
isnextchar(state::State, char::Char) -> Bool
isnextchar(state::State, chars::NTuple{N, Char}) -> Bool

Check if state has a next character, and if so whether it is char or one of chars.

ismacro(state::State) -> Bool

Check whether state is indicated to come from a macro invocation, according to whether state.mod is set or not.

While this function is rather trivial, it clarifies the intent when used instead of just checking state.mod.

styerr!(state::State, message::AbstractString, position::Union{Nothing, Int}=nothing, hint::String="around here")

Register an error in state based on erroneous content at or around position (if known, and with a certain hint as to the location), with the nature of the error given by message.

hygienic_eval(state::State, expr)

Evaluate expr within the scope of state's module. This replicates part of the behind-the-scenes behaviour of macro expansion, we just need to manually invoke it due to the particularities around dealing with code from a foreign module that we parse ourselves.

addpart!(state::State, stop::Int)

Create a new part from state.point to stop, applying all pending styles.

This consumes all the content between state.point and stop, and shifts state.point to be the index after stop.

addpart!(state::State, start::Int, expr, stop::Int)

Create a new part based on (the eventual evaluation of) expr, running from start to stop, taking the currently active styles into account.

readexpr!(state::State, pos::Int = first(popfirst!(state.s)) + 1)

Read the expression starting at pos in state.content, and consume state.s as appropriate to align the iterator to the end of the expression.

read_annotation!(state::State, i::Int, char::Char, newstyles::Vector) -> Bool

Read the annotations at i (char), and push the style read to newstyles.

This skips whitespace and checks what the next character in state.s is, detects the form of the annotation, and parses it using the appropriate specialised function like so:

  • :, end of annotation, do nothing
  • (, inline face declaration, use read_inlineface!
  • otherwise, use read_face_or_keyval!

After parsing the annotation, returns a boolean value signifying whether there is an immediately subsequent annotation to be read.


Iterate through state.s, applying the parsing rules for the top-level of syntax and calling the relevant specialised functions.

Upon completion, state.s should be fully consumed and fully populated (along with state.errors).
