
Creating a library with PackageCompiler involves creating a custom system image with a couple of additional features to facilitate linking and use by external (non-Julian) programs–it's already a dynamic library.

As with app creation, we distribute all of the libraries necessary to run Julia. In the end, we end up with a directory of libraries (lib, or bin on Windows), an include directory with C header files, and an artifacts directory (for any additional library artifacts needed by the Julia runtime).

Of course, we also want the library to be relocatable, and all of the caveats in the App relocatability section still apply.

Creating a library

As with apps, the source of a library is a package with a project and manifest file. The library is expected to provide C-callable functions for the functionality it is providing, defined using the Base.@ccallable macro:

Base.@ccallable function increment(count::Cint)::Cint
    count += 1
    println("Incremented count: $count")
    return count

All C-callable functions will be exported and made available to programs that link to the library.

A skeleton of a library to start working from can be found here.

A complete example that works on all supported 64-bit OS platforms can be found here. (32-bit is not yet working there).

The library is compiled using the create_library function, which takes the path to the source code and the destination directory.

❯ julia -q --project

julia> using PackageCompiler

julia> create_library("MyLib", "MyLibCompiled";
                      header_files = ["MyLib/build/mylib.h"])
└ @ PackageCompiler ~/.julia/dev/PackageCompiler/src/PackageCompiler.jl:903
[ Info: PackageCompiler: creating base system image (incremental=false)...
[ Info: PackageCompiler: creating system image object file, this might take a while...
[ Info: PackageCompiler: creating system image object file, this might take a while...

julia> exit()

❯ ls -al MyLibCompiled/lib/libinc.*
-rwxr-xr-x  1 kmsquire  staff  97241152 Jan 28 14:27 MyLibCompiled/lib/libinc.dylib

❯ ls MyLibCompiled/lib # MyLibCompiled/bin on Windows

(These will have a .so extension on Linux, and a .dll extension on Windows. There may also be other files in the same directory, depending on your operating system and version of Julia.)

In addition to most of the same keyword arguments as create_app, create_library has additional keyword arguments related to library naming, versioning, and including C header files in the output library bundle. See the function documentation for details.

Presumably, you're creating the library to use some functionality that is available in Julia but not (easily) implementable in some other language, like C or C++. To use this functionality from, e.g., C, you'll need to link against the library, and also make it accessible at run time (because it's a dynamic library, not a static one).

Here you have different options depending on your operating system and needs.

  1. Install the libraries in a non-standard location, and update an appropriate environment variable to point to the library location.

    • On Linux and other Unix-like operating systems, run export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/path/to/lib:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH
    • On Windows, include the library location in PATH. (* NOTE: not tested–does this work? *)
  2. (Linux/Unix/Mac) Install the library files in a standard library location. /usr/local/ is one possible location:

    • Libraries would be installed in /usr/local/lib
    • Include files would be installed in /usr/local/include
    • Julia artifacts and any other depot components would be installed under /usr/local/share/julia.

    Note that on Linux, installing under /usr/local/lib or another standard location requires that you run ldconfig as root after install.

  3. (Mac) Include the full library bundle in an application bundle and set the rpath on the application bundle to the relative path of the library from the executable.

  4. (Windows) Include all libraries in the same directory as an executable.

In all cases, you also need to link to the library while building your executable. For C/C++ compilers, the link step looks something like this:

cc -o my_application my_application.o -L/path/to/my_library -lmylib

Note that on Unix-like operating systems (including Mac), your library must have a lib prefix (e.g., (linux/unix) or libmylib.dylib (Mac)). create_library() ensures this. (On windows, the lib prefix is optional.)

See here for a more complete example of how this might look.


Compile-time preferences used by any of the packages included in the library will be stored in the sysimage. To support runtime preferences, all preferences that the library "sees" during the compilation process are stored in the library bundle under <dest_dir>/share/julia/LocalPreferences.toml. Note that preferences loaded at compile time are not affected by the values in the LocalPreferences.toml, but modifying the file will change the value of preferences loaded at runtime.

To learn more about compile time preferences and runtime preferences, please refer to the Preferences.jl docs.